Porous Percolation

Percolation is the study of flow of fluid through porous media. This model simulates the flow of a fluid through a two-dimensional grid. Brown cells represent the medium. Blue cells represent fluid / water whereas black cells represent empty space. Fluid from a cell can flow to its four adjacent neighbours.

Moving the above slider will immediately update the grid

Porosity is the fraction of the grid that is empty. When porosity is above 0.59, then the fluid is most likely to flow from the top to the bottom (or 'percolate')

  1. When porosity is above 0.59, the medium is likely to have a contiguous space that spans the entirety of the grid. This is called a 'percolating cluster' or a 'spanning cluster'
  2. There will be cases when the fluid does not percolate even when porosity is above 0.59 (and vice versa). This is due to defects of the random number generator, and the finiteness of the grid.
  3. Related: Bernoulli Percolation, Directed Percolation, Contact Process.

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