Hopfield Networks

A hopfield network is a very simple framework that is capable of learning (memorization) and inference (recall) of patterns. It also features associative memory, in the sense that it can recall the learnt pattern when the given pattern is partial and/or noisy. The below simulation fetures a 35x35 grid which comprises a fully connected network of 1225 nodes. Teach it some patterns (example: numbers) by drawing the pattern and then clicking "memorize". After this, draw the same pattern(s) partially/differently and click on "recall" in order to (hopefully) obtain the learned pattern. Hopfield networks through light on how LLMs may memorize information, and how biological brains may retrieve information.

Draw a pattern on the grid
Clear the grid to start over

Number of patterns memorized: 0

Memory capacity (theoretical): 0.14 N2 = approx. 170 patterns


The inspiration for Hopfield network comes from spin-glass systems in physics. A hopfield network of \(N\) nodes is a fully connected network. Each node can take either discrete or continuous values. In this case, the nodes are discrete (+/- 1). A pair of nodes connected by an edge with a positive weight have a tendency to correlate, and vice versa. We define the energy of the system as follows: \[ E (\vec{v}) = -\frac{1}{2} \sum_{(i, j)} w_{ij} v_{i} v_{j} \] Here, \(\vec{v}\) is a vector that represents the state of the network and \(w_{ij}\) is the weight of the edge joining the \(i^{th}\) and \(j^{th}\) nodes. Edges are symmetric/undirected. The memorization phase involves tweaking the weights such that the resulting energy landscape features a local minimum at the pattern to be learnt. The recall phase involves starting from a partial/noisy state and tweaking the state of each node until we reach a local minimum.

Memorization: with a given training vector \(\vec{v}\), we tweak the weights as follows, in order to make \(\vec{v}\) correspond to a local minimum in the energy landscape: \[ w_{ij} := w_{ij}^{prev} + v_i v_j \] Recall: with an initial partial/noisy vector \(\vec{v}\), we tweak the state of each node as follows, in order to make \(\vec{v}\) descend towards a local minimum in the energy landscape: \[ v_i := \text{sign} \left( \sum_{j} w_{ij} v_j \right) \] The amazing thing is that all the memorization and recall takes place via network interactions, without any centralized mechanism. Hopfield networks shed light on how Large Language Models may hypothetically store memory. They also suggest how biological brains retrieve complete information from incomplete snippets (say, an entire song from a few lyrics). There are many extensions of Hopfield networks, the most prominent one being the Boltzmann machine.

The theoretical capacity of a Hopfield network is \(0.14 N^2\) patterns, where \(N\) is the number of nodes. In practice, due to correlations in the patterns stored, the actual capacity may be much lower. Similar patterns may give rise to additional local minima which correspond to an amalgamation of the similar patterns (confusion). Multiple local minimas may lie together, leading to mis-identification.

  1. This simulation (particularly the recall phase) is computationally complex and may lag on lower-end devices.
  2. For best recall results, use patterns that are dissimilar to each other.
  3. Thanks to this video for providing a wonderful introduction to this topic!
  4. Related: Ising Model, Gradient Descent

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