Conway's Game of Life
The most famous cellular automaton, Conway's game of life was was devised by British Mathematician John Conway in 1970.
The world consists of a 2D lattice of cells. Each cell has a state, either alive (colored) or dead (black). The future of every cell is determined by a simple set of rules:
- An alive cell dies of loneliness if it has none or only 1 living neighbour
- An alive cell dies of starvation if it has more than 3 living neighbours
- An alive cell is sustained if it has 2 or 3 living neighbours
- A non-living cell becomes alive if it has exactly 3 living neighbours
- Touch a cell in order to toggle its state (dead/alive)
- Toggling a cell's state will automatically pause the simulation. Click on 'Resume' to continue
- On mobile phones, avoid touching the canvas while scrolling down
Number of cells per row/column: 40
Frames per second: 10
Interesting States
Interesting Facts
- It is possible to construct all elements of electronics in Conway's game of life: logic gates, counters, memory cells, etc. In fact, Turing-complete computers have been constructed within this world.
- It is possible to construct self-replicative entities within this game. A DNA-like record has also been used to store and propogate information.
- This game can be simulated on a variety of 2D geometric figures like knots and Mobius strips.
- This system also exhibits chaos: if you modify the initial state by a little, then the long-term behaviour of the system gets drastically changed.
- Border interactions can be toggled using the enable/disable border interactions button. Some simulations: like the Gosper's glider gun, get interrupted when the Glider wraps around and destroys the gun
- Accidently touching the canvas while scrolling down on a mobile will toggle the state of a cell and may disturb the ongoing simulation
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